Look like a Ten!

Look like a ten regardless of the style you adopt! It`s the measure of your self-respect and of the respect you treat others with.

Research has shown that the first 7 seconds of interaction with a new person is crucial in building the person`s first impression of you. And you might not get a second chance. Like it or not, studies have shown that nonverbal cues have over 4 times the impact on the impression you make than anything you say. Read more about it here, if you feel like.

Knowing this, doesn`t it make you reconsider the importance of your appearance?

Don`t look sloppy and untidy. Unless you`re being fashionable and you`ve carfeully studied your appearance, don`t walk around wearing dirty, torn, crumpled or unfitted clothes.



Thank you for reading and feel free to share your thoughts :)